Tag Archives: graphite

  • Pencil portrait drawing of old man with half opened eyes. This pencil portrait drawing shows an elderly tired looking man. His face is etched with deep wrinkles, creases, and folds. A weathered face. The eyes, half-open, his big nose, pointed chin, worn cap, makes him a great character for a pencil sketch. Drawn with 4B pencil on Moleskine paper. Just for fun.

    Pencil portrait drawing of old man with half opened eyes

    Pencil portrait drawing of old man with half opened eyes. This pencil portrait drawing shows an elderly tired looking man. His face is etched with deep wrinkles, creases, and folds. A weathered face.The eyes, half-open, his big nose, pointed chin, worn cap, makes him a great character for a pencil sketch. Drawn with 4B pencil …

  • Mean looking man graphite pencil drawing

    A graphite pencil drawing I made in my sketchbook. At the moment I am in this “drawing old mean men” period, just love it! Did this on Talens paper that is a bit light weight but has a very nice grain. Further just mostly cross hatching technique
