Tag Archives: wonen

  • Four cows looking straight at you. A wall art image in a living room above a couch.

    Summertime Gossip Four Frisian Cows wall art

    In this photograph, four chatting cows are interrupted in their daily conversation by the photographer. The cows stand on a lush meadow on a beautiful summer day, with a stunning cloudscape visible in the background. This photo was taken in Friesland, the home of the Frisian cows, making these particular cows somewhat of an anomaly …

  • Black White Dahlia as framed art print at Redbubble

    Black White Dahlia on Redbubble

    In this captivating close-up, we are presented with the exquisite beauty of a white dahlia flower. The delicate petals of the dahlia bloom take center stage, showcasing their pure white color and intricate details. Each petal is meticulously rendered, capturing the softness and texture that make the flower so enchanting. The dahlia’s petals radiate a …

  • The Monochromatic Mystery of the Clouds and Sea as Wallart

    The Monochromatic Mystery of the Clouds and Sea

    You know, I’ve always had this deep love and connection to the sea and oceans. There’s just something about the vastness and beauty of the water that always draws me in. So, I started working on this painting with the intention of creating a representation of the ocean – you know, something wide and expansive. …

  • skutsje-paint-detai

    Stormachtig weer skûtsje

    Koop dit digital art werk De storm trotseren: Een Skutsje in Friesland van Jan Brons als reproductie op canvas, aluminium dibond, (ingelijste) fotoprint, behang en Art Frame, op maat geprint in Fine-Art kwaliteit. Digitaal schilderij aan hand van een foto gemaakt door mijzelf tijdens SKS of een IFKS wedstrijd. Foto gemaakt met mijn trouwe Canon …
